The Importance Of Drinking Water
What we have found is that most people have some degree of dehydration, due to:
- Lack of water intake.
- Inability to absorb the fluid due to some inflammatory, toxic issues or poor gut health resulting in bloating, poor kidney function and oedema.
- Too much coffee and or tea.
- Some medications can also affect hydration.
People can drink plenty of water but if you have some toxicity or inflammatory condition your body may hold on to the fluid to try and dilute the toxins or inflammatory condition. Thus water isn’t absorbed into the cells.
70% of our body is made up of water. In order for proper functioning of our cells and organs it is crucial to be hydrated. If not, our cells won’t function at their optimal capacity, regardless of how healthy our diet is. Water intake is necessary in order to flush excess toxins through the kidneys and prevent the negative effects of toxic accumulation. Please note that we can only survive 3-4 days without water.
We depend on water for survival. Every cell, tissue and organ requires water to function optimally. Our body needs water to:
- flush waste
- maintain core temperature
- lubricate joints
- aid digestion
- aid nutrient absorption
- aid circulation
- aid metabolism
- aid weight loss
- promote healthier hair & skin.
We lose fluid by urination, perspiration and breathing. Signs of dehydration are dry mouth, thirst, decreased urine output, constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness and headaches and cracked lips. Severe and long term dehydration can not only affect the above mentioned but also ones blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate & all other body systems.
How Much Water Should I Drink?
The average adult should drink approximately 2 litres of water every day. If you engage in strenuous exercise or are working in the heat you may need to increase your intake accordingly.
What Type of Water Should I Drink?
Do not drink tap water, it has the chemicals chlorine and fluoride added, which has been shown to be detrimental to our health. Instead, buy a good filter that eliminates chemicals and toxins, such as a reverse osmosis filter or another option is to buy water from a reputable water supplier. If you have a rain water tank, make sure that it is fitted with a good filter, that filters out any harmful bacteria. Just do your homework on the internet before investing in a filter.
Other Recommendations:
- Drink a glass of water when you first wake up. This will stimulate organ function and start the hydration process.
- Sip water throughout the day, this will help hydrate the cells and help prevent frequent trips to the toilet.
- Do not drink too much water during meals as this dilutes the digestive enzymes.
- Drink a just before meals (Which helps decrease appetite) and then wait one hour after meals.
- Drinking one glass of water just before you go to sleep, may help prevent stokes and heart attacks, this is due to the fact that the blood is less sticky if well hydrated.
Please note: If you have any preexisting cardiac or kidney function issues, have been placed on a fluid restriction by your doctor or are taking medications please consult your doctor prior to increasing your daily fluid intake.
BY: Helensvale Chiropractic
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